Washington Public Ports Association

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2021 – A Legislative Session Like No Other

After lengthy consideration, the Washington State House and Senate have agreed to hold the upcoming legislative session remotely.  It goes without saying this is an unprecedented move, but not unexpected given the persistence of the COVID-19 virus in our communities.

So, what does that mean for port elected officials and staff who are actively engaged in legislative issues? 

Most legislators will be working from their home districts this winter, with a few exceptions on the Capitol Campus, mostly for procedural activities.  The public will not be allowed to enter any facility on the Capitol Campus.

All committee meetings will be held remotely, with guidelines that will be different than past years.  For example, people must sign up for testimony no later than one hour before the hearing, rather than right up until the scheduled start time, as in past years.

Meetings will likely move at a slower pace, which translates into fewer proposals advancing.  More complicated measures may fall by the wayside due to a lack of time.

It may be harder to meet with legislators as they will be unavailable for impromptu in-person conversations.

We may have to rely on written communication more frequently, including written testimony rather than in-person.

What won’t change is that your Association staff will be deeply engaged in this process - tracking legislation, communicating with all of you, and advocating on behalf of port interests. Make sure to keep our blog bookmarked to stay up-to-date with all port-related legislative issues as they advance.