Washington Public Ports Association

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Finding technology that works for your remote meetings

Are you successfully managing your transition to a remote work and meeting environment? In May 12’s Tuesday Roundtable, we discussed tools and resources ports could use to help ease the transition, have successful, productive meetings online, and still maintain a spirit of community engagement.

Laura Crandall of MRSC detailed some software options for holding remote meetings together with some simple guidance for how best to run and participate in these meetings. She provided some templates from the city of Burien for ports to use in creating their own online meeting guides.

Charla Skaggs of Maul Foster & Alongi provided ways to ensure meeting facilitation success, even when meeting remotely. She also highlighted how ports could use the virtual world to their advantage when it comes to fostering community engagement.

You can find the resources and presentations from today’s meeting, along with other important information, on our COVID-19 response page for ports: https://www.washingtonports.org/covid19

In today’s conversation:

·       What software platforms for meetings to consider

·       Creating a “disaster plan” if technology goes wrong during your meeting

·       Good remote facilitation skills

You can listen to the whole meeting here:


Do you have ideas for future topics we could cover in our Tuesday Roundtables? Email your ideas to Washington.ports@washingtonports.org