Washington Public Ports Association

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Monthly Interim Report- July 19, 2021


Welcome to the Washington Public Port Association’s first monthly interim report, a new offering to port membership designed to keep you posted about your Association’s activities after legislative session concludes. 

WPPA has been active already this summer season, with two events in July- the Executive Directors’ and Commissioners’ Seminars. Additionally, we’ve been taking advantage of the broad reopening of the state to visit many port districts—it’s been great to see many of you in person again.

In June, the WPPA Legislative Committee held their first meeting of the 2021 interim.  A goal of the Association this year is to start the process of vetting legislative issues earlier in the interim, to allow for more discussion and more meeting time. 

The agenda had three components: first, there was a roundtable discussion about the process for developing priorities and communicating about issues as they evolve.  Second, there was a report of specific topics that continue to evolve from the 2021 session (such as transportation funding, cap and trade and MTCA), and third, the committee spent time brainstorming potential priority issues for the 2022 session.

The committee will get back together after the Labor Day holiday to continue discussions.  If ports have ideas for issues to pursue or watch for in the upcoming legislative session, please email ideas to Victoria Lincoln.


Ecology Rulemaking Activity: Rulemaking is underway or will begin soon to address: 

·      Greenhouse gas Assessment for Projects (GAP);

·      The framework of a cap-and-trade program;

·      Emissions Intensive Trade Exposed (EITE) guidance; and,

·      Adopting California’s Zero Emission vehicle standards. 

Environmental Review Process (SEPA): Clean Fuel Standard legislation requires the Departments of Ecology and Commerce to make recommendations to improve the State Environmental Policy Act process. WPPA is seeking direct port representation in the process.

WPPA’s Fall Environmental Seminar: This year the seminar will be held at Alderbrook  Mark your calendars for September 23rd and 24th!

#TransportationThursday: WPPA launched a brand new, weekly blog designed to keep you informed on what’s happening in the transportation space during this interim. State legislators are discussing plans for a special session that would focus on new funding for transportation. Federally, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package is being considered alongside Surface Transportation Reauthorization. Watch the first iteration of #TransportationThursday on our blog. 

Bipartisan infrastructure plan set for Senate action this week: The Senate is scheduled to take up the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Package this week. WPPA will track progress of transportation funding conversation with our new blog, #TransportationThursday. Want a snapshot of what’s in the infrastructure plan? While specifics have yet to be released, here’s a high-level framework of the initial negotiations.

Washington State Department of Ecology Secretary Laura Watson and Washington State Department of Transportation Secretary Roger Millar sent a letter with executive leadership from other states in support of funding for ports, waterway and ferry infrastructure.