Washington Public Ports Association

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Details on thawing the freeze for key port transportation projects

WPPA testified opposed to the Governor’s transportation budget (HB 1165) this week. This follows the announcement that previously fully funded projects, slated to be advertised for construction, would instead be delayed pending the outcome of the legislative session.  Among the ten delayed projects are three important port connector projects: SR-501 in Vancouver, SR-529 in Snohomish County and an inaugural project important to completion of SR-167 in Pierce County, otherwise known at the Gateway Program.

The delay is attributable to the Governor’s proposed additional funding for fish passage barrier projects (over $700 million) during the next biennium, together with funding for maintenance and preservation on the state highway system ($400 million).  Delaying projects was the only alternative that enabled the Governor to propose a budget which was balanced.

Which project have been paused and why are these projects important?

Gateway Program (SR-167 stage 1B, SR-509 to I-5)

This project provides improved access between the marine terminals and industrial areas of the Port of Tacoma Manufacturing Industrial Center and I-5.

I-5 & SR-529/Marine View Drive

Improves mobility to the North Snohomish County Freight Mobility Corridor linking the Port of Everett, I-5 and the Cascade Manufacturing Industrial Center.

SR-501 Port of Vancouver

Reconstruction of SR-501 between the Port of Vancouver and I-5 improves safety and roadway surface condition on a high, wide, and heavy corridor that that sees over 3,000 trucks daily—roads that see the transport of wind energy components.

WPPA and the affected ports ask that the delay placed on these projects be removed and they be allowed to continue as scheduled.  In testimony on Thursday, WPPA reiterated the associations support for continued discussions around increasing transportation revenue as a way to both keep existing projects moving and fund new priorities.

You can check out Roger Millar’s internal memo announcing OFM’s delayed project list: https://wsdot.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2021/01/18/StatementfromRogerMillar21-23TranspoBudget.pdf