Washington Public Ports Association

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The 2021 Legislative Priorities for the Washington Public Ports Association

In a week, on Monday January 11th, the 2021 legislative session will begin under a new and different format.  The WPPA has identified five priorities to pursue that we think matches up with many of the goals of Washington lawmakers this year: we are supporting economic development opportunities and job creation through long-standing programs like MTCA and CERB, we actively support ample funding for transportation and broadband, and we are advocating for a new tax increment financing tool in partnership with other local governments and private developers.

Port officials will have lots of opportunity for engagement, such as on Port Day February 2nd, a new slate of WPPA Roundtables on Tuesdays at Noon, and at committee hearings televised live or archived on TVW.  Our website will contain all the information you need to participate and follow along as we ring in a new year and a new legislative session.