Washington Public Ports Association

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November 9 Tuesday Roundtable roundup: economic development with Senator Mark Mullet and Representative Cindy Ryu

The Washington Public Ports Association was honored to be joined by the respective chairs of the Senate and House Economic Development Committees, Senator Mark Mullet and Representative Cindy Ryu. The Legislators provided Roundtable attendees with information about their priorities for the upcoming Legislative Session and spent much of the meeting answering questions from ports on a variety of topics related to economic development.

Attendees learned:

·       Whether or not the 2022 Legislative Session will be in-person, virtual, or a combination

·       The future of the CERB program

·       The importance of broadband funding and development to communities across Washington

Ports were created in large part to be economic engines for the communities they serve, and we appreciate the partnership of Senator Mark Mullet and Representative Cindy Ryu in ensuring ports can continue to meet their communities’ needs.

Did you miss the Roundtable? You can watch a recording of the meeting here.