Washington Public Ports Association

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Reps. Fey & Fitzgibbon talk transportation and carbon recap- March 11, 2021

Transportation is a key legislative priority for Washington Public Ports Association in 2021—it’s received a lot of attention in the legislature, and there are many proposals on how best to tackle transportation’s adequate funding.

That’s why we were so honored to host Representatives Jake Fey and Joe Fitzgibbon, chairmen of the House Transportation and the House Environment and Energy committees, respectively, on Thursday, March 11th. They shared the status of a Transportation Package, carbon pricing either through Cap & Invest or a carbon tax, and the Clean Fuel Standard, and provided participants with an informed assessment of the session so far and a prognosis for these bills in the days ahead.

As public ports, we simply cannot achieve our mission in championing economic development without a well-functioning, well-maintained transportation system. Our communities also expect ports are championing opportunities that improve the livability and environment and that economic opportunities are available to all.

View the recording here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/kQfeudEZi-uzAtEzkTWauAeqvDxBcqliL9OmVIe5549fy4iC02fI6w64ky4cXA6Q.2iT4Pr-MV58o2-l7

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