Welcome to our newest WPPA member: the lovely Port of Mabana

The Port of Mabana, located on Camano Island, describes itself as “warm sands…sparkly waters… 40-foot break[s] in its seawall…[an] evening sky turn alizarin above the turquoise trees of Whidbey Island and the purples of the Olympic Mountains….”

The paradisical Port of Mabana is the newest member of the Washington Public Ports Association, and we are so pleased to welcome them into the broader port community of Washington. Our mission here at WPPA is to zealously and thoughtfully represent ports’ interests, and we are excited to provide the Port of Mabana with all that a membership to WPPA has to offer.

If you’d like to know more about this small (but mighty) port, read their fascinating story on the Sunnyshore Studio blog- a creative firm located on Camano Island: https://sunnyshorestudio.com/2016/10/07/the-beaches-of-camano-the-battle-for-mabana/