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Tax Increment Financing (TIF) 101 Webinar

Does your community need funding for infrastructure or other public improvements? Tax Increment Financing, or “TIF,” is a financing method used to help fund infrastructure that will catalyze economic development and recover or grow jobs. It uses anticipated future increases in tax revenues to generate incremental tax revenues from a specific development project or projects across a designated district to help pay for current costs associated with development.

Washington is one of only two states in the nation that does not have TIF authority for local communities, but a TIF Coalition, including WPPA and WEDA, is actively working to get TIF authorizing legislation passed by the Legislature.

Want to learn more about TIF and if it might be a useful tool for your community, and how you can get involved in the TIF Coalition? Join us for this webinar on November 17 at 11:00 am.