With the election over, ports need to start talking to their legislators

The political campaigns are finally over and yard signs are starting to disappear.  We can all let out a collective sigh of relief. 

It’s time to set our sights on the 2021 Legislative Session; what issues are going to be most important to you?  There is a window of opportunity over the next eight weeks to touch base with your local legislators—remind them that Washington Public Ports are important to the local economy and provide valuable services to the public.

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

·       Set up a virtual “coffee chat” with a legislator to discuss the latest project underway at your port.

·       Share with them an example of how state programs have helped your local community in the past, such as CERB or MTCA grants.

·       Stress that port officials are partners and are here to help.  Can you provide data or anecdotal examples that provide backup information for your priorities?

·       Be sure to thank them for representing your community in Olympia.

As we get closer to the legislative session, the WPPA website will be a resource for information about legislative priorities, factsheets on important topics, and upcoming meetings. Bookmark or favorite our blog and never miss an important update.