OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON (May 9, 2022) – The Washington Public Ports Association (WPPA) works on behalf of public ports across Washington to advance the interests of ports with the state legislature--and beyond. Our success in ensuring these interests are protected requires the leadership, vision, and collaborative working relationships with state legislators.

Each year, WPPA recognizes legislators who provide "extraordinary leadership and unparalleled vision" in our efforts to advance the importance and future of public ports for the residents they serve. This year, we are pleased to announce Representative Matt Boehnke from Washington’s 8th Legislative District.

Representative Matt Boehnke is a ranking minority member on the House Community & Economic Development Committee and sits on both the House Appropriations Committee and House Environment & Energy Committee. At the request of the Washington Trucking Association and other partners, Rep Boehnke launched the Legislative Supply Chain Caucus just this year which resulted in funding dedicated to improving the truck driver shortage as well as educating other legislators on how vital effective supply chains are to our economy. In 2021 he championed passage of legislation that established a goal to double manufacturing jobs in Washington over 10 years and advance funding to accelerate regional economic clusters. In these roles Rep. Boehnke has supported ports and been able to pass significant economic development policy bills. Representative Boehnke represents Washington’s 8th legislative district including the Ports of Kennewick and Benton. Rep Boehnke is a cybersecurity expert, professor at Columbia Basin College, former Kennewick City Councilmember and served us all for 21 years in the US Army.  

Port of Benton Executive Director Diahann Howard reacted to Rep. Boehnke’s Compass Award: “A well-deserved recognition to Representative Boehnke along with Sheri Call, Washington Trucking Association in forming the Supply Chain Caucus to identify issues and policies necessary to open our ports.  Rep. Boehnke’s efforts around economic development, advanced manufacturing and clean energy is strategically focused on retaining jobs for our region and the state.”

WPPA is the voice of Washington Ports before the Legislature, Congress, other government agencies, and stakeholders. The association serves as the catalyst for promoting communication between ports and developing a broad public understanding of the essential roles of ports across the state.







As a state legislative and regulatory advocacy organization, the Washington Public Ports Association (WPPA) fosters public policy for ports to achieve their goals. The WPPA was formed by the legislature in 1961 to represent public port districts throughout Washington, serving as the focus through which ports work cooperatively to develop policy direction, share information, and address issues on economic development, trade, transportation, and environmental stewardship. Public port districts offer a wide range of locally governed services, including marine terminals, barge facilities, industrial development, marinas, airports, railroads, and tourism promotion.
Jessica Wilson
Washington Public Ports Association
E: jwilson@washingtonports.org
T: 360-528-0405