Waiver extension update: OPMA, PRA and SAO annual filing deadline extended until June 17th

Late on Friday, May 29th, legislative leadership approved another waiver extension for the Open Public Meetings Act, the Public Records Act, and the annual financial report filing deadline with the Office of the Washington State Auditor. These waivers are now all set to expire on June 17th, 2020.

Notably, this expiry date corresponds with the date of the state revenue forecast—that, combined with a growing interest in a June special session (as detailed in a weekend editorial calling for a special session in the Seattle Times) indicates that the waivers may be taken up directly by the legislature later in June.

The Office of the Washington State Auditor does not expect any further extensions of the filing deadline, so ports who have not yet begun the annual filing process should do so now. For more information on annual filing, visit the SAO website: https://www.sao.wa.gov/a-message-from-state-auditor-pat-mccarthy-annual-financial-report-filing-deadline-extended/

The Washington Public Ports Association is committed to bringing you timely, relevant information for your ports as it is made available. We will continue to advocate for port interests broadly—and specifically as it relates to the OPMA and PRA waivers.